Results for 'Virginia McFarland Feldman'

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  1.  20
    The Fetus as Organ Farm.Nick Fotion, Howard Brody, R. D. Guttman & Virginia McFarland Feldman - 1979 - Hastings Center Report 9 (3):4.
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    White Matter Plasticity in Reading-Related Pathways Differs in Children Born Preterm and at Term: A Longitudinal Analysis.Lisa Bruckert, Lauren R. Borchers, Cory K. Dodson, Virginia A. Marchman, Katherine E. Travis, Michal Ben-Shachar & Heidi M. Feldman - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  3. The impact of past behaviour normality on regret: replication and extension of three experiments of the exceptionality effect.Lucas Kutscher & Gilad Feldman - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):901-914.
    Norm theory (Kahneman & Miller, 1986) described a tendency for people to associate stronger regret with a negative outcome when it is a result of an exception (abnormal behavior) compared to when it is a result of routine (normal behavior). In two pre-registered studies, we conducted a replication and extension of three classic experiments on past behavior exception/routine contrasts (N = 684). We successfully replicated Kahneman and Miller’s (1986) experiments with the classic hitchhiker-scenario (Part 1) and car accident-scenario (Part 2). (...)
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    Bioethics: select laws and issues from around the world.Marshall Breslau & Paige Feldman (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    This book examines the field of bioethics from an international and regional legal perspective. It focuses on major international law documents such as the United Nations Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and UNESCO declarations on human cloning and the human genome. Coverage of regional legal instruments includes the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (the Oviedo Convention) and its Protocols on cloning, transplantation, and research with human beings. Work on surrogacy issues by the Hague Conference (...)
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  5. Reasons explanations and pure agency.Richard H. Feldman & Andrei A. Buckareff - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 112 (2):135-145.
    We focus on the recent non-causal theory of reasons explanationsof free action proffered by a proponent of the agency theory, Timothy O'Connor. We argue that the conditions O'Connor offersare neither necessary nor sufficient for a person to act for a reason. Finally, we note that the role O'Connor assigns toreasons in the etiology of actions results in further conceptual difficulties for agent-causalism.
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  6. Development of preferences for the human body shape in infancy.Virginia Slaughter, Michelle Heron & Susan Sim - 2002 - Cognition 85 (3):71-81.
    Two studies investigated the development of infants' visual preferences for the human body shape. In Study 1, infants of 12,15 and 18 months were tested in a standard preferential looking experiment, in which they were shown paired line drawings of typical and scrambled bodies. Results indicated that the 18-month-olds had a reliable preference for the scrambled body shapes over typical body shapes, while the younger infants did not show differential responding. In Study 2, 12- and 18-month-olds were tested with the (...)
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    (1 other version)Feminist Directions in Medical Ethics.Virginia L. Warren - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (2):73-86.
    I explore some new directions—suggested by feminism—for medical ethics and for philosophical ethics generally. Moral philosophers need to confront two issues. The first is deciding which moral issues merit attention. Questions which incorporate the perspectives of women need to be posed—e. g., about the unequal treatment of women in health care, about the roles of physician and nurse, and about relationship issues other than power struggles. “Crisis issues” currently dominate medical ethics, to the neglect of what I call “housekeeping issues.” (...)
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  8. Children's Frequency , Productivity Phonology, in the and English Past Tense : The Role of Neighborhood Structure.Virginia A. Marchman - 1997 - Cognitive Science 21 (3):283-304.
    The productive use of English past tense morphology in school-aged children (N= 74; 3 years, 8 months to 13 years, 5 months) is explored using on elicited production task. Errors represented 20% of the responses overall. Virtually all of the children demonstrated productivity with regular (e.g., good) and irregular patterns (zero-marking, e.g., sit + sit; vowel-change, e.g., ride -+ rid). Overall frequency of errors decreased with age, yet the tendency for certain types of irregularizations increased in the older groups. Analyses (...)
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    Le génie kantien ou l'otage de la nature.Virginia de Araujo Figueiredo - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 528-536.
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  10. AIDS and Contemporary History.Mirko D. Grmek, Virginia Berridge & Philip Strong - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (2):339.
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    How to Live Without Certainty, Without Being Paralyzed by Hesitation.Christopher Michaelson & Virginia Gerde - 2014 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 33 (2-3):205-209.
    According to Bertrand Russell, philosophy should “teach how to live without certainty, and yet without being paralyzed by hesitation.” Recent natural and human-made disasters have confronted business leaders to act decisively without certainty in circumstances with profound implications for ethical well-being. This article introduces a Special Topic Forum on Extreme Operating Environments, defined as times of great uncertainty and/or crisis which challenge human capabilities, organizational operations, and social institutions.
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    Asian Christian Spirituality: Reclaiming Traditions.William F. Walles, Virginia Fabella, Peter K. H. Lee & David Kwang-sun Suh - 1994 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 14:304.
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    An algorithm for detecting community structure of social networks based on prior knowledge and modularity.Haifeng Du, Marcus W. Feldman, Shuzhuo Li & Xiaoyi Jin - 2007 - Complexity 12 (3):53-60.
  14. Myowa-Yamakoshi, M., B53 Paterson, KB, 263 Phillips, AT, 43 Plesa-Skwerer, D., 11 Poeppel, D., B27.N. Dumay, S. Faja, J. Feldman, R. Filik, M. G. Gaskell, S. A. Gelman, T. P. German, G. D. Heyman, R. M. Joseph & B. Keysar - 2003 - Cognition 89:295.
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    Analysis of the Structural Validity of the Reduced Version of Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory.Daniel Ondé, Virginia Jiménez, Jesús M. Alvarado & Marta Gràcia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The application of metacognitive strategies is considered a basic skill of the student at any educational level. In the present study, we evaluate the reduced version of the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory in Spanish, a self-report instrument designed to measure the metacognitive awareness of students and their perception of the strategies that they use while they are reading school materials. MARSI-R is formed by three subscales: global reading strategies, problem-solving strategies, and strategies to support reading. We conducted a (...)
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  16. Tertuliano en el De officio mariti de JL Vives: Los pericula cultus.Gema Senes Rodríguez, Virginia Alfaro Bech & Victoria Eugenia Rodríguez Martín - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  17. Filosofía de los derechos de igualdad y libertad.Telich Cleveland & Isabel Virginia[From Old Catalog] - 1962 - México,:
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  18. MoMLA: From Gallery to Webtext.Victor Vitanza, Virginia Kuhn, Robert Leston, Justin Hodgson, Jason Helms, Geoffrey V. Carter, Sarah J. Arroyo & Bahareh Alaei - forthcoming - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 17 (2):np.
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    Extinction as a function of partial reinforcement and distribution of practice.Virginia F. Sheffield - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (4):511.
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    The Consequences of “Terminal Rescue”.Virginia Abernethy - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (1):36-36.
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    Del Viejo al Nuevo Mundo: el tránsito de la noción de dominio y derecho natural de Francisco de Vitoria a Alonso de la Veracruz.Virginia Aspe Armella - 2010 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 17:143-155.
    Las nociones de dominio y derecho natural durante el siglo XVI las desarrollaron distintamente Vitoriay De la Veracruz. El tránsito se vio influenciado por Sto. Tomás de Aquino, Escoto y cierto nominalismomoderado. En el segundo, el tema de la variabilidad de las potencias racionales, fundamentalmentede la voluntad, era más fuerte que el tema vitoriano de la autoridad por encima de la deliberaciónpersonal y del preconocimiento moral. Lejos de una interpretación fijista y relativista de ley natural, esteautor siguió una vía media (...)
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    La influencia de Aristóteles en la filosofía novohispana.Virginia Aspe Armella - 2010 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 27:153-164.
    Este texto busca poner de relieve la influencia que tuvo Aristóteles sobre pensadores del XVI novohispano. Influencia que se suma a la de Escoto, Aquino y Suárez y a partir de la cual se busca comprender la relación entre la filosofía aristotélica y el tomismo novohispano. Es decir, a partir de cierto horizonte de comprensión, estudiar el límite y alcance de principios aristotélicos en la filosofía tomista y a Aristóteles mismo como factor de comprensión del pensamiento novohispano.
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    El romanticismo de El Nacimiento de la Tragedia.Virginia E. López Domínguez - 1989 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 7:231-254.
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    Reseña del V Congreso internacional de Kant (Maguncia, 1981).Virginia E. López Domínguez & Jacinto Rivera Rosales - 1981 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 2:179.
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  25. Sobre la evolución de la filosofía kantiana de la historia.Virginia E. López Domínguez - 2004 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 37:89-110.
    En este artículo se estudian las razones que permiten establecer dos momentos en la filosofía kantiana de la historia, momentos que configuran una sutil evolución que, sin embargo, no contradice la intención esencial de la misma: El primero de ellos, anterior a 1790, se basa en un necesitarismo naturalista conjugado con la idea de la libertad como subsunción a la ley moral, lo cual dificulta la relación teoríapraxis, generando pesimismo histórico y, a la vez, no muy fundadas esperanzas en la (...)
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    Sociedad y Estado en el pensamiento político de J.G. Fichte.Virginia E. López Domínguez - 1985 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 5:111-122.
    En este artículo se estudian las razones que permiten establecer dos momentos en la filosofía kantiana de la historia, momentos que configuran una sutil evolución que, sin embargo, no contradice la intención esencial de la misma: El primero de ellos, anterior a 1790, se basa en un necesitarismo naturalista conjugado con la idea de la libertad como subsunción a la ley moral, lo cual dificulta la relación teoríapraxis, generando pesimismo histórico y, a la vez, no muy fundadas esperanzas en la (...)
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    (1 other version)Discovering the More: Reading Wright's, Colette's, and Cather's Texts as Philosophy of Education.Virginia Worley, Stacy Otto & Lucy E. Bailey - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (2):192-223.
    Rather than using literary texts to evidence an analytic argument, within this piece we read Julia McNair Wright's (US, 1840?1902), Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette's (France, 1873?1954), and Willa Cather's (US, 1873?1947) texts through theoretical lenses that expose their educational meaning and value and that create conversation among them concerning girls? and women's educations. While we do not claim that one can generalize these women's works and lessons to every life, we contend that these women and the literary products they created offer girls (...)
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    All Together Now: Developing a Team Skills Competency Domain for Global Health Education.Virginia Rowthorn & Jody Olsen - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (4):550-563.
    Global health is by definition and necessity a collaborative field; one that requires diverse professionals to address the clinical, biological, social, and political factors that contribute to the health of communities, regions, and nations. For universities with global health programs, the interprofessional nature of global health presents both vast opportunities and distinct challenges. In addition to helping students develop mastery within their chosen fields, universities must also ensure that students learn to collaborate with other professionals to address complex global health (...)
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  29. Motivational teaching in the college philosophy classroom.Virginia Black - 1973 - Metaphilosophy 4:316.
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    Christian Conversions.Ted Byfield & Virginia Byfield - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (4):559-560.
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    Escape Room: una metodología activa para la enseñanza en postgrado.Blanca Tejero Claver, Virginia Alarcon Martínez & Neus Garrido Sáez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-12.
    Ante la falta o disminución de la motivación de los alumnos universitarios la enseñanza, y con ello la Universidad se ve en la tesitura de poner en práctica nuevas metodologías más activas y motivantes que permitan a los alumnos tener un rol más protagonista en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje que el que han tenido hasta ahora.En el este artículo se expone una experiencia que consiste en el diseño de un escape room on line enmarcado en el Máster en (...)
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    Ingroups and Outgroups in Complaints: Exploring Politic Behaviour in Nurses’ Discourse.María Virginia Lazaro-Salazar - 2017 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 27 (2):319-333.
    The relevance of social norms for understanding appropriate behaviour in context has taken central stage in politeness research in recent years, and particularly in studies of workplace interaction. As an example of this research, this paper explores the way in which a group of nurses interacting with their colleagues negotiates complaints. The data were collected in a ward of a public healthcare institution in New Zealand and consist of audio and video recordings of four roster meetings involving nurses and nurse (...)
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    Predicting Interpersonal Outcomes From Information Processing Tasks Using Personally Relevant and Generic Stimuli: A Methodology Study.Lisa Serravalle, Virginia Tsekova & Mark A. Ellenbogen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Elucidating the neural correlates of egoistic and moralistic self-enhancement.Veronica Barrios, Virginia S. Y. Kwan, Giorgio Ganis, Jaime Gorman, Jennifer Romanowski & Julian Paul Keenan - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (2):451-456.
    Self-enhancement is the biasing of one’s view of oneself in a positive direction. The brain correlates of self-enhancement remain unclear though it has been reported that the medial prefrontal cortex may be important for producing self-enhancing responses. Previous studies have not examined whether the neural correlates of self-enhancement depend on the particular domain in which individuals are enhancing themselves. Both moralistic and egoistic words were presented to participants while transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied to the MPFC, precuneus or in a (...)
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    The effects of low frequency, whole body vibration on rats: Prolonged training, predictability, incremental training, and taste conditioning.Edward L. Wike, Virginia L. Wolfe & Kirk A. Norsworthy - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):333-335.
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  36. Ricerche sull'etica delle scuole ellenistiche.Virginia Guazzoni-Foà - 1976 - Genova: Università, Facoltà di lettere, Istituto di filologia classica e medievale.
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    Behavioral Governance and Self-Conscious Emotions: Unveiling Governance Implications of Authentic and Hubristic Pride. [REVIEW]Virginia Bodolica & Martin Spraggon - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (3):535 - 550.
    The main purpose of this article is to elucidate the bright connotation of the self-conscious emotion of pride, namely authentic pride, in the broader context of behavioral governance literature. Scholars in the field of psychology suggest that authentic and hubristic pride represent two facets of the same emotional construct. Yet, our review indicates that in the extant governance research pride has been treated as an exclusively dark leadership trait or self-attribution bias, thereby placing hubris among the main causes of managerial (...)
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    (1 other version)Interiorizar “Jesus Cristo”: Programa narrativo-biográfico de D. Luciano Mendes de Almeida (Internalizing “Jesus Christ”: The biographical narrative program on D. Luciano Mendes de Almeida) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n27p959. [REVIEW]Virgínia Albuquerque de Castro Buarque - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (27):959-982.
    Este artigo tem como propósito reconstituir o sentido conferido por D. Luciano Mendes de Almeida (1930-2006), bispo-auxiliar de São Paulo e arcebispo de Mariana, secretário e presidente da CNBB além de vice-presidente do CELAM, à sua própria trajetória biográfica. Verifica-se que, se cotejada com balizas culturais contemporâneas, tal configuração de si porta contornos aparentemente paradoxais: ao invés de fortalecer uma identidade pessoal, ela pressupõe uma dinâmica antropológico-religiosa de autoesvaziamento, concomitante a uma atuação mediadora em prol de relações ternárias entre Deus, (...)
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    Book Review of Poststructuralist Readings of the Pedagogical Encounter (Eruptions, Vol. 14). [REVIEW]Virginia Worley - 2004 - Educational Studies 36 (2).
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    Gerald Sullivan. Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, and Highland Bali: Fieldwork Photographs of Bayung Gedé, 1936–1939. x + 213 pp., frontis., illus., app., bibl., index. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999. $45, £31.50. [REVIEW]Virginia Yans-Mclaughlin - 2003 - Isis 94 (2):398-398.
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    Virginia Moyer, Steven M. Teutsch, and Jeffrey R. Botkin reply.Virginia Moyer, Steven M. Teutsch & Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (1):7-8.
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    Guilty Robots, Happy Dogs: The Question of Alien Minds: The Question of Alien Minds.David McFarland - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    Do animals have thoughts and feelings? Could robots have minds like our own? Can we ever know, or will the answer be forever out of our reach? David McFarland explores the answers to these questions, drawing not only on the philosophy of mind, but also on developments in artificial intelligence, robots, and the science of animal behaviour.
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  43. Epistemology.Richard Feldman - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (2):429-429.
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    Epistemological Duties.Richard Feldman - 2002 - In Paul K. Moser, The Oxford Handbook of Epistemology. New York: Oup Usa.
    In “Epistemological Duties,” Richard Feldman uses three main questions to illuminate the topic of epistemological duties. What are our epistemological duties? After suggesting that epistemological duties pertain to the development of appropriate cognitive attitudes, Feldman asks What makes a duty epistemological? and How do epistemological duties interact with other kinds of duties? His pursuit of contributes to his response to in that he uses it to argue that a concept of distinctly epistemological duty must exclude practical and moral (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Redundant Truth.Andrew L. McFarland - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1515-1525.
    In the Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein is sometimes claimed to hold a redundancy theory of truth. The main evidence to support this view, however, comes from a single passage, number 136, which has been misinterpreted. In this essay I argue for an alternative interpretation of the critical passage in question. The purpose behind Wittgenstein’s remarks is not to provide a general theory of truth, per se. Rather, Wittgenstein uses the section as a way to introduce his notion of fit, a notion (...)
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    Feldman on Sorensen's Thought Experiments.Richard Feldman - 1995 - Informal Logic 17 (3).
  47. The Ethics of Care: Personal, Political, Global.Virginia Held - 2006 - New York: Oup Usa. Edited by David Copp.
    Virginia Held assesses the ethics of care as a promising alternative to the familiar moral theories that serve so inadequately to guide our lives. The ethics of care is only a few decades old, yet it is by now a distinct moral theory or normative approach to the problems we face. It is relevant to global and political matters as well as to the personal relations that can most clearly exemplify care. This book clarifies just what the ethics of (...)
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  48. Causal powers and isomeric chemical kinds.Andrew McFarland - 2018 - Synthese 195 (4):1441-1457.
    Some philosophers have claimed that kinds can be construed as mereologically complex structural properties. This essay examines several strategies aimed at construing a certain class of natural kinds, namely isomeric chemical kinds, in accordance with this view. In particular, the essay examines views which posit structural proper parts in addition to micro-constitutive parts to individuate isomeric chemical kinds. It then goes on to argue that the phenomenon of chirality in stereochemistry gives the proponent of kinds-as-complex-properties evidence for positing the existence (...)
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  49. Intentionality, narrativity, and interpretation: The new image of man.C. Fleisher Feldman - 1991 - In Ernest Lepore, John Searle and His Critics. Cambridge: Blackwell. pp. 323--333.
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    Imagination and Illusion in English Romanticism.Thomas McFarland - 1990 - In Frederick Burwick & Walter Pape, Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 337--48.
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